Set-up begins Saturday night. I've done this dozens of times, but each time it's a little different. I'm trying a new display for my Yahrzeit candle covers... building a little shelf display for them. And where shall I put that lamp? No, it is NOT gonna stand on the Tupperware!
Other people's booths are just getting assembled. There is a palpable sense of excitement and hope in the air.
Sunday morning... getting closer. General layout of table is done, and now comes placement of individual items. This year I made a conscious decision to put out a little less, in the hope that shoppers wouldn't be overwhelmed. I was nervous about it, but it worked out quite well.
This table holds mostly necklaces on very visible upright displays. The plan is for this to catch people's eye as they come from the doorway. Then they can work their way around to the other table, with more affordable bracelets and earrings.
Gotta remember to take those clips out of my hair....
Other booths behind me look awesome! This is gonna be fab!
Almost done. Necklace table is ready; I think it looks pretty good. Um, except for my self-printed, sadly amateur sign. If I have good sales today, maybe I'll splurge on a professional sign.
Ready to roll! The beaded lamp worked out beautifully with the Yahrzeit candles.. symbiotic... a stroke of genius on Gershon's part. Got my good clothes on, and a necklace I made with a piece of Eddy's glasswork.
One of our members bought something from me before the doors opened... what a nice good-luck charm that was for me!
Leslie's booth looks a little funky behind me, but she changed it so that it worked very well.
10 am... another show begins!
One kiln up and running
2 months ago