March 12, 2017

Jewish Arts Month

This morning we put up our Week #2 exhibit of Jewish Arts Month (JAM) at Mittleman JCC. Each week in March, we feature a different group of artists in the lobby exhibit.  My work is up this week.

In addition to our weekly rotation of artists, this year we have introduced a new element to JAM. This is the debut of our new charity project "6 x 6 for $36." Twenty-nine of our member artists have created artworks in their own media on small "cradle-board" canvases measuring 6" x 6".  They are all for sale for $36 each. Artists are all donating half of the sale price to our new Scholarship Fund, and many have chosen to donate the entire sale price to the Fund.  A number of these sold on our opening night, but there are still quite a few left to choose from.  Come find yours soon!!

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